The weather in Iceland changes every 10 minutes.
We were experiencing our first snow in the middle of September.
We had a crazy Autumn with lots of Sun, and heat (about 6°C temperature).
The suddenly by the end of October/beginning of November we started getting storms. What for other countries would have been a hurricane, for Icelanders it is just a day with lots of wind and rain.
These people are just used to having “not so good weather”. No matter how it is outside, people keep on going to work,and school is not cancelled.
You can see in the picture our current Snow Coverage, gratefully updated by Belgingur
There are lots of snow on the glaciers, yay! However, they are dangerous for our activity, and that is the reason why we do not go there anymore.
We are crossing every single part of our body for starting to get cold weather with snow!
Our dogs are eager for running at minus temperatures.