Pick-up locations
Pick up and drop off can be only done in authorized bus stops.
Below you can see a map of the designated bus stops and a list of the residence locations in Reykjavík with their designated bus stop.
If your residence location is not listed please contact us directly to find which stop corresponds to it, or if we are able to pick you up directly from the place you are staying while in Reykjavík.
You will find two different types of bus stops in Reykjavik, one is the authorized pick-up stop and the other is the local city bus stop. Be careful to look for the correct sign when going to your pick-up location.
Further information from Reykjavik municipality can be found at www.busstop.is

Find your bus stop on the map & detailed Pick Up / Drop Off information below
Here are lists of all available pick up and drop off points for our day tours and it is also specified if the nearest pick up location for your accommodation is at a bus stop.
We service most hotels, hostels and guesthouses in Reykjavík city center. If your accommodation address is not available on our pick-up list you can contact us and we will help you select the closest one. For Airbnb or private housing we suggest you select the nearest hotel address and request the pick-up from there.
- 100 Iceland Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- 101 Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- 101 Hótel (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- 101 Skuggi Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- 105 – A Townhouse Hotel, Háteigsvegur 1 (Please wait outside of your accommodation)
- 1912 Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- 22 Hill Hotel, Brautarholt 22-24 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- 27Soley (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- 3 Sisters Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- 41 – A Townhouse Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- 4th Floor Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Airport Domestic Reykjavík, Reykjavík Airport (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Alba Guesthouse, Eskihlíð 3 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Alda Hotel Reykjavik (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Alfred's Apartments (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Alfred's Studios (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Ambassade Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Apartment 37 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Bergstaðastræti 12 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Bergstaðastræti 3 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Hverfisgata 14 (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartment K – Hverfisgata 37 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Ingólfsstræti 1a (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartment K – Laugavegur 46 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Laugavegur 74 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Apartment K – Laugavegur 85-86 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Apartment K – Lindargata 60 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Skólastræti 1 (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartment K – Þingholtsstræti 2-4 (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartments Aurora (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apotek Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- AR Central Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- AR Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Arctic Comfort Hotel, Síðumúli 19 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Arcturus Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Atlantic Apartm and Rooms, Grensásvegur 14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- B14 - Rooms and Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- B14 Hostel (Faxafen) (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Bed and Books (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Best Western Hotel Reykjavík (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Black Pearl (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Black Tower (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Blue House B&B (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Blue House B&B (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Brim Hotel, Skipholt 27 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- BSÍ Bus Terminal, on the taxi side (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Bus Hostel, Skógarhlíð 10 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Cabin Hotel, Borgartún 32 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Camp Site Laugardalur, Sundlaugavegur 34 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Canopy Reykjavík | City Centre (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Capital Inn Guesthouse, Suðurhlíð 35d (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Castle House Luxury Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Centerhotel Arnarhvoll (Please wait at Bus Stop 5 - Harpa )
- Centerhotel Grandi (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Centerhotel Klöpp (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Centerhotel Laugavegur (Please wait at Bus Stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Centerhotel Miðgarður (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Centerhotel Plaza (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Centerhotel Skjaldbreið (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Centerhotel Þingholt (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Central Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Central Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Centric Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Chez Monique (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Circle Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- City Center Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- City Comfort Apartments (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- City Hostel Reykjavík, Sundlaugavegur 34 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- City Park Hotel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Domus Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Downtown Reykjavik Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Edition Hotel (Pick-up at Bus stop no 5 - Harpa)
- Egilsborg Guesthouse, Þverholt 20 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Embassy Luxury Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Eric The Red Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Exeter Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop no 4 Miðbakki)
- Eyja Guldsmeden, Brautarholt 10 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Forsæla Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Fosshotel Baron, Barónsstígur 2-4 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshótel Lind (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Fosshotel Lind, Rauðarárstígur 18 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshótel Rauðará (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Fosshotel Rauðará, Rauðarárstígur 37 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshótel Reykjavík (Please wait at Bus Stop 12 - Höfðatorg )
- Freyja Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Galaxy Pod Hostel, Laugavegur 172 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Gallery Central Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Garður Hotel, Hringbraut 29 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Gest Inn (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Grand Hotel Reykjavík, Sigtún 38 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Gray Tower (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Grettisborg Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Grímur Hótel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Guesthouse Álfhóll (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Guesthouse Anna (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Aurora (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Guesthouse Baldursbrá – Laufásvegur 41 (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Baldursbrá – Tjarnargata 46 (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Butterfly (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Guesthouse Galtafell (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Lena (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Óðinn (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Guesthouse Pávi (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Guesthouse Reykjavik 101 (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Guesthouse Snorri (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Guesthouse Turninn (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Guesthouse Von (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Miðbakki (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Skarfabakki (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Sundahöfn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Whale Watching Elding (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Heida's Home (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hlemmur Apartments (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Hlemmur Square (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Hostel B47 (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Hotel Borg (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Hótel Frón (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Hotel Hilda (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Hótel Holt (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Hotel Ísland, Ármúli 9 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hotel Leifur Eiríksson (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Hotel Metropolitan (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Hotel Múli, Hallarmúli 1 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hotel Óðinsvé (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Hotel Phoenix (Pick-up at Bus stop no 10 - Hlemmur)
- Hotel Reykjavík Centrum (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Hotel Reykjavík Saga (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- House Of Spirits (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Iceland Parliament Hotel (Pick-up at Bus stop no 1 - Ráðhús/City Hall)
- Icelandair Reykjavík Marina, (Pick up at Bus stop 15 - Vesturbugt)
- Icelandair Reykjavík Natura, Nauthólsvegur 52 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Igdlo Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Inga's New Guest Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- ION City Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Ísland Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Kex Hostel, Skúlagata 28 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Klettur Hotel, Mjölnisholt 12-14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Konsulate Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Kvosin Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Laugabjarg Guesthouse, Sundlaugavegur 37 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Lighthouse Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Loft Hostel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Loki 101 Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Lotus Hotel, Álftamýri 7 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Amtmannsstígur 5 (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Baldursgata 36 (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Laugavegur 37 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Laugavegur 86 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Spítalastígur 1 (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Mengi Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Norðurey Hotel Laugardalur, Hrísateigur 14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Nordurstjarnan Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Northern Comfort Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Northern Lights Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- ODDSSON Downtown Hotel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Oddsson Hotel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Ocean Comfort Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Ocean Comfort Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- OK Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Old Charm Reykjavik Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Orkin Sjómannaheimilið, Brautarholt 29 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Our House Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Pávi Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Pavi Guesthouse, Brautarholt 4 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Planet Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Radisson Blu Hotel 1919 (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Rek Inn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Rey Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik City Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Reykjavik Downtown Hostel (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Reykjavik Hostel Village (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Reykjavik Lights Hotel, Suðurlandsbraut 12 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Reykjavik Residence Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik Residence Suites (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik4you Apartments - Bergstaðastræti 12 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik4you Apartments – Laugavegi 85 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Room With A View (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Sand Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Skuggi Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Sport Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Apartments - Laugavegur 139 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Stay Apartments Einholt (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Stay Apartments Grettisgata (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Stay Apartments, Bolholt 6 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Apartments, Einholt 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Brilliant Apartments, Brautarholt 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Storm Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 12 - Höfðatorg )
- Student Hostel - Gamli Garður (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- SUNNA Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- The Capital Inn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- The Swan House Reykjavik Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Tower Suites (Please wait at Bus Stop 12 - Höfðatorg )
- Town House - Laugateigur (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Travel Inn (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Villa Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
Here are lists of all available pick up and drop off points for our day tours and it is also specified if the nearest pick up location for your accommodation is at a bus stop.
We service most hotels, hostels and guesthouses in Reykjavík city center. If your accommodation address is not available on our pick-up list you can contact us and we will help you select the closest one. For Airbnb or private housing we suggest you select the nearest hotel address and request the pick-up from there.
- 100 Iceland Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- 101 Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- 101 Hótel (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- 101 Skuggi Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- 105 – A Townhouse Hotel, Háteigsvegur 1 (Please wait outside of your accommodation)
- 1912 Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- 22 Hill Hotel, Brautarholt 22-24 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- 27Soley (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- 3 Sisters Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- 41 – A Townhouse Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- 4th Floor Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Airport Domestic Reykjavík, Reykjavík Airport (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Alba Guesthouse, Eskihlíð 3 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Alda Hotel Reykjavik (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Alfred's Apartments (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Alfred's Studios (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Ambassade Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Apartment 37 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Bergstaðastræti 12 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Bergstaðastræti 3 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Hverfisgata 14 (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartment K – Hverfisgata 37 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Ingólfsstræti 1a (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartment K – Laugavegur 46 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Laugavegur 74 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Apartment K – Laugavegur 85-86 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Apartment K – Lindargata 60 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apartment K – Skólastræti 1 (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartment K – Þingholtsstræti 2-4 (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Apartments Aurora (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Apotek Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- AR Central Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- AR Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Arctic Comfort Hotel, Síðumúli 19 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Arcturus Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Atlantic Apartm and Rooms, Grensásvegur 14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- B14 - Rooms and Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- B14 Hostel (Faxafen) (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Bed and Books (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Best Western Hotel Reykjavík (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Black Pearl (Please wait at Bus stop no 4 Miðbakki)
- Black Tower (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Blue House B&B (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Blue House B&B (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Brim Hotel, Skipholt 27 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- BSÍ Bus Terminal, on the taxi side (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Bus Hostel, Skógarhlíð 10 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Cabin Hotel, Borgartún 32 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Camp Site Laugardalur, Sundlaugavegur 34 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Canopy Reykjavík | City Centre (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Capital Inn Guesthouse, Suðurhlíð 35d (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Castle House Luxury Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Centerhotel Arnarhvoll (Please wait at Bus Stop 5 - Harpa )
- Centerhotel Grandi (Pick up at Bus stop 15 - Vesturbugt)
- Centerhotel Klöpp (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Centerhotel Laugavegur (Please wait at Bus Stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Centerhotel Miðgarður (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Centerhotel Plaza (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Centerhotel Skjaldbreið (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Centerhotel Þingholt (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Central Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Central Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Centric Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Chez Monique (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Circle Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- City Center Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- City Comfort Apartments (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- City Hostel Reykjavík, Sundlaugavegur 34 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- City Park Hotel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Domus Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Downtown Reykjavik Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Edition Hotel (Pick-up at Bus stop no 5 - Harpa)
- Egilsborg Guesthouse, Þverholt 20 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Embassy Luxury Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Eric The Red Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Exeter Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop no 4 Miðbakki)
- Eyja Guldsmeden, Brautarholt 10 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Forsæla Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Fosshotel Baron, Barónsstígur 2-4 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshótel Lind (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Fosshotel Lind, Rauðarárstígur 18 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshótel Rauðará (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Fosshotel Rauðará, Rauðarárstígur 37 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshótel Reykjavík (Please wait at Bus Stop 12 - Höfðatorg )
- Freyja Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Galaxy Pod Hostel, Laugavegur 172 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Gallery Central Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Garður Hotel, Hringbraut 29 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Gest Inn (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Grand Hotel Reykjavík, Sigtún 38 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Gray Tower (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Grettisborg Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Grímur Hótel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Guesthouse Álfhóll (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Guesthouse Anna (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Aurora (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Guesthouse Baldursbrá – Laufásvegur 41 (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Baldursbrá – Tjarnargata 46 (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Butterfly (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Guesthouse Galtafell (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Lena (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Guesthouse Óðinn (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Guesthouse Pávi (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Guesthouse Reykjavik 101 (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Guesthouse Snorri (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Guesthouse Turninn (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Guesthouse Von (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Miðbakki (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Skarfabakki (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Sundahöfn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Whale Watching Elding (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Heida's Home (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hlemmur Apartments (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Hlemmur Square (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Hostel B47 (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Hotel Borg (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Hótel Frón (Please wait at Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House )
- Hotel Hilda (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Hótel Holt (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Hotel Ísland, Ármúli 9 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hotel Leifur Eiríksson (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Hotel Metropolitan (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Hotel Múli, Hallarmúli 1 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hotel Óðinsvé (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Hotel Phoenix (Pick-up at Bus stop no 10 - Hlemmur)
- Hotel Reykjavík Centrum (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- House Of Spirits (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Icelandair Reykjavík Marina, Mýrargata 2-8 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Icelandair Reykjavík Natura, Nauthólsvegur 52 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Igdlo Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Inga's New Guest Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- ION City Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Ísland Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Kex Hostel, Skúlagata 28 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Klettur Hotel, Mjölnisholt 12-14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Konsulate Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Kvosin Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Laugabjarg Guesthouse, Sundlaugavegur 37 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Lighthouse Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Loft Hostel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Loki 101 Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Lotus Hotel, Álftamýri 7 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Amtmannsstígur 5 (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Baldursgata 36 (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Laugavegur 37 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Laugavegur 86 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Luna Hotel Apartments – Spítalastígur 1 (Please wait at Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond )
- Mengi Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Norðurey Hotel Laugardalur, Hrísateigur 14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Nordurstjarnan Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Northern Comfort Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Northern Lights Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Ocean Comfort Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Ocean Comfort Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- OK Hotel (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Old Charm Reykjavik Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Orkin Sjómannaheimilið, Brautarholt 29 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Our House Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- Pávi Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Pavi Guesthouse, Brautarholt 4 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Planet Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Radisson Blu Hotel 1919 (Please wait at Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata )
- Rek Inn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Rey Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik City Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Reykjavik Downtown Hostel (Please wait at Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall )
- Reykjavik Hostel Village (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Reykjavik Lights Hotel, Suðurlandsbraut 12 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Reykjavik Residence Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik Residence Suites (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik4you Apartments - Bergstaðastræti 12 (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Reykjavik4you Apartments – Laugavegi 85 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Room With A View (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Sand Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Skuggi Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Sport Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Apartments - Laugavegur 139 (Please wait at Bus stop 9 - Snorrabraut )
- Stay Apartments Einholt (Please wait at Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur )
- Stay Apartments Grettisgata (Please wait at Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær )
- Stay Apartments, Bolholt 6 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Apartments, Einholt 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Brilliant Apartments, Brautarholt 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Storm Hotel (Please wait at Bus Stop 12 - Höfðatorg )
- Student Hostel - Gamli Garður (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- SUNNA Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
- The Capital Inn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- The Swan House Reykjavik Apartments (Please wait at Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata )
- Tower Suites (Please wait at Bus Stop 12 - Höfðatorg )
- Town House - Laugateigur (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Travel Inn (Please wait at BSÍ Bus Terminal )
- Villa Guesthouse (Please wait at Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja )
Bus Stop 1 - Ráðhúsið - City Hall
(Location of Bus stop 1 in Google Maps)
3 Sisters Guesthouse
Centerhotel Plaza
Chez Monique
Embassy Luxury Apartments
Gallery Central Guesthouse
Guesthouse Álfhóll
Guesthouse Butterfly
Hotel Hilda
Hotel Metropolitan
Hotel Reykjavík Centrum
House Of Spirits
Iceland Parliament Hotel
Kvosin Hotel
Lighthouse Apartments
Ocean Comfort Apartments
Planet Apartments
Reykjavik Downtown Hostel
Bus Stop 2 - Tjörnin - The Pond
(Location of Bus stop 2 in Google Maps)
Ambassade Apartments
Castle House Luxury Apartments
Central Guesthouse
Luna Hotel Apartments – Amtmannsstígur 5
Luna Hotel Apartments – Spítalastígur 1
Bus Stop 3 - Lækjargata
(Location of Bus stop 3 in Google Maps)
1912 Guesthouse
Apotek Hotel
Centerhotel Þingholt
Central Apartments
Centric Guesthouse
City Center Hotel
Konsulate Hotel
Hotel Borg
Hotel Reykjavík Saga
Ocean Comfort Apartments
Radisson Blu Hotel 1919
Bus Stop 4 - Miðbakki Harbor
(Location of Bus stop 4 in Google Maps)
Black Pearl
Exeter Hotel
Bus Stop 5 - Harpa
(Location of Bus stop 5 in Google Maps)
Centerhotel Arnarhvoll
Edition Hotel
Bus Stop 6 - Safnahúsið - The Culture House
(Location of Bus stop 6 in Google Maps)
101 Hótel
41 – A Townhouse Hotel
Apartment K – Hverfisgata 14
Apartment K – Ingólfsstræti 1a
Apartment K – Skólastræti 1
Apartment K – Þingholtsstræti 2-4
Canopy Reykjavík | City Centre
Hótel Frón
Bus Stop 8 - Hallgrímskirkja
(Location of Bus stop 8 in Google Maps)
Eric The Red Guesthouse
Forsæla Apartments
Freyja Guesthouse
Gest Inn
Guesthouse Aurora
Hostel B47
Hotel Leifur Eiríksson
Hotel Óðinsvé
Inga's New Guest Apartments
Loki 101 Guesthouse
Luna Hotel Apartments – Baldursgata 36
Mengi Apartments
Our House Guesthouse
SUNNA Guesthouse
Villa Guesthouse
Bus Stop 9 - Snorrabraut
(Location of Bus stop 9 in Google Maps)
4th Floor Hotel
100 Iceland Hotel
101 Guesthouse
Alda Hotel Reykjavik
Alfred's Apartments
Apartment K – Laugavegur 74
Apartment K – Laugavegur 85-86
Centerhotel Laugavegur
City Comfort Apartments
Guesthouse Von
Heida's Home
Hlemmur Apartments
Hlemmur Square
Hotel Phoenix
Luna Hotel Apartments – Laugavegur 86
OK Hotel
Reykjavik4you Apartments – Laugavegi 85
Skuggi Hotel
Stay Apartments - Laugavegur 139
Bus Stop 11 - Austurbær
(Location of Bus stop 11 in Google Maps)
Grettisborg Apartments
Guesthouse Reykjavik 101
Guesthouse Snorri
Reykjavik Hostel Village
Stay Apartments Grettisgata
Bus Stop 12 - Höfðatorg
(Location of Bus stop 12 in Google Maps)
Fosshótel Reykjavík
Storm Hotel
Tower Suites
Bus Stop 13 - Rauðarárstígur
(Location of Bus stop 13 in Google Maps)
Centerhotel Miðgarður
Downtown Reykjavik Apartments
Fosshótel Rauðará
Fosshótel Lind
Guesthouse Pávi
Stay Apartments Einholt
Bus Stop 14 - Skúlagata
(Location of Bus stop 14 in Google Maps)
101 Skuggi Guesthouse
Alfred's Studios
Apartment 37
Apartment K – Bergstaðastræti 12
Apartment K – Bergstaðastræti 3
Apartment K – Hverfisgata 37
Apartment K – Laugavegur 46
Apartment K – Lindargata 60
Apartments Aurora
Black Tower
Centerhotel Klöpp
Centerhotel Skjaldbreið
Domus Guesthouse
Gray Tower
Guesthouse Óðinn
Guesthouse Turninn
ION City Hotel
Ísland Apartments
Loft Hostel
Luna Hotel Apartments – Laugavegur 37
Old Charm Reykjavik Apartments
Rey Apartments
Reykjavik Residence Hotel
Reykjavik Residence Suites
Reykjavik4you Apartments - Bergstaðastræti 12
Room With A View
Sand Hotel
The Swan House Reykjavik Apartments
Bus stop 15 - Vesturbugt
(Location of Bus stop 15 in Google maps)
- Centerhotel Grandi
- Icelandair Reykjavík Marina, Mýrargata 2-8
BSÍ Bus Terminal
(Location of Bus stop BSÍ in Google Maps)
Guesthouse Anna
Guesthouse Baldursbrá – Laufásvegur 41
Guesthouse Baldursbrá – Tjarnargata 46
Guesthouse Galtafell
Guesthouse Lena
Hótel Holt
Travel Inn
Locations with direct pickup and drop off
- 105 – A Townhouse Hotel, Háteigsvegur 1 (Please wait outside of your accommodation)
- 22 Hill Hotel, Brautarholt 22-24 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Airport Domestic Reykjavík, Reykjavík Airport (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Alba Guesthouse, Eskihlíð 3 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- AR Central Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- AR Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Arctic Comfort Hotel, Síðumúli 19 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Arcturus Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Atlantic Apartm and Rooms, Grensásvegur 14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- B14 - Rooms and Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- B14 Hostel (Faxafen) (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Bed and Books (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Best Western Hotel Reykjavík (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Blue House B&B (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Blue House B&B (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Brim Hotel, Skipholt 27 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- BSÍ Bus Terminal, on the taxi side (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Bus Hostel, Skógarhlíð 10 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Cabin Hotel, Borgartún 32 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Camp Site Laugardalur, Sundlaugavegur 34 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Capital Inn Guesthouse, Suðurhlíð 35d (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Circle Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- City Hostel Reykjavík, Sundlaugavegur 34 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- City Park Hotel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Downtown Reykjavík Apartm, Rauðarárstígur 31 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Egilsborg Guesthouse, Þverholt 20 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Eyja Guldsmeden, Brautarholt 10 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshotel Baron, Barónsstígur 2-4 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshotel Lind, Rauðarárstígur 18 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Fosshotel Rauðará, Rauðarárstígur 37 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Galaxy Pod Hostel, Laugavegur 172 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Garður Hotel, Hringbraut 29 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Grand Hotel Reykjavík, Sigtún 38 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Grímur Hótel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Miðbakki (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Skarfabakki (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Cruise Ship – Sundahöfn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Harbour – Whale Watching Elding (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hotel Ísland, Ármúli 9 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Hotel Múli, Hallarmúli 1 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Icelandair Reykjavík Natura, Nauthólsvegur 52 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Igdlo Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Kex Hostel, Skúlagata 28 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Klettur Hotel, Mjölnisholt 12-14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Laugabjarg Guesthouse, Sundlaugavegur 37 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Lotus Hotel, Álftamýri 7 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Norðurey Hotel Laugardalur, Hrísateigur 14 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Nordurstjarnan Guesthouse (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Northern Comfort Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Northern Lights Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- ODDSSON Downtown Hotel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Oddsson Hotel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Orkin Sjómannaheimilið, Brautarholt 29 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Pávi Apartments (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Pavi Guesthouse, Brautarholt 4 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Rek Inn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Reykjavik City Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Reykjavik Lights Hotel, Suðurlandsbraut 12 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Sport Hostel (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Apartments, Bolholt 6 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Apartments, Einholt 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Stay Brilliant Apartments, Brautarholt 2 (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Student Hostel - Gamli Garður (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- The Capital Inn (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
- Town House - Laugateigur (Please wait outside of your accommodation )
The pick-up process
The pick-up process starts with our office preparing the pick-up list, you may receive an email the day prior to your tour to update your pick up time. The routes we take each time is dependent on how many pick-ups there are as well as where those pick-up points are located.
It might take up to 30 min for our driver to reach your pick-up point, so please wait patiently at your pick-up point from the start of the pick-up time in order not to miss it.
It is very important that you are ready outside.
What to look out for while waiting for pick-up
We use different vehicles, some of them are not labeled. The driver will come and say your name at the pick up location. Be sure to enter a vehicule at destination of DogSledding Iceland.